Most of my questions are about gallery /slideshow / lightbox, because I work with pictures and I make pages for people who work with pictures.
But I still haven’t find a"perfect" addon that fits all my needs.
Yesterday I realized a page for my father who wants (next spring) to setup an exposition/sale of his pictures for charity (an old church that needs restoration):
I used Nick Cates** Light Page**, to have pictures + description. I wrote only the titles, the next step will be the full description of the locations.
But there is an issue. The same old issue I always encounter in many gallery/lightbox/slideshows.
The vertical pictures exit the display, in desktop, tablet and phones.
And in the NK Light Page there are no controls to fit the pictures in displays, both width and height.
Do you know if there is an addon with these features?
Hi, @Trystero,
I believe the Image Gallery from Cosculture might fit your requirements. Also, HV Slider which is included with some themes from Henk Vrieselaar. And BTW, there is no ideal solution, even with the most recent stacks of this type. But keep lookin’…
In NK Light Page I can choose the usual Fill, Flexible, Fixed and Float settings for every single page (a stack containing a picture + text stacks). In Flexible I can set only the width until 100%, not the height.
For this reason I am looking for a similar addon, with a thumbnails page with titles, and the single item pages responsive in both width and height when I have horizontal or vertical pictures.
Your are only getting a responsive (width and height) picture in a modal window (lightbox).
You will not get this in (IMO beautiful) NCD light page, as this one is not a modal window, but a scroll-able page. Browsers are only able to deliver the max width setting to the html page, and therefore, the picture cannot be resized in the height (only in the width).
Thank you for the clear explanation about the reason why NCD Light Page (I agree it’s a beautiful stack) s not the solution I am looking for.
And yes, I purchased GalleryStack, but unfortunately it is a very good lightbox, without the possibility to add text stacks under the pictures.
Maybe a solution will be TWO kind of pages: a catalogue with small pictures and text stacks made with NCD Light Page (my father wrote some very long descriptions for some pictures) + another page made with your GalleryStack, with only pictures and titles.
I have time, because the exhibition will be next spring.
@instacks Thank you for the kind offer of customization, but many times the text my father wrote for his pictures are very long, in some cases long as the ones in the Nick Cates demo page:
I think the best solution could be having two pages: the “catalog” with small pictures and long text, the “lightbox/slideshow” with the responsive pictures to be seen in different sized displays.
@mastermix Thank you for the example. Now I know that, for the “catalog” I will have to resize all the vertical picture to fit the same space of the horizontals (maybe adding a pale grey background?). Then I will add another page, with another kind of stack, to show the pictures in full screen size.
@mastermix I read the manual, and the layout of the page I made is the Light Page demo site I downloaded from NK pages. But there are no controls on the height of the pictures, while the width fills the page content. I cannot set > Picture max height = display height.
For this reason I wrote that I will rearrange all the vertical pictures as if they were at the center of an horizontal card. This way I will have a more equable “catalog”, with pages of the same size and titles/texts starting around the same point. As I see in your example page.
Then I will setup another page with pictures only, no text no titles, as I made in [my website] (
The thumbnails work perfectly in NK Light Page. I have no problems with thumbnails.
My problem is the oversize of the vertical pictures in the Light Page pages.
I resized the vertical pictures to have uniformity in the different pages with text (the catalog).
Then I will add a simple pictures slideshow without text.