Bates & Caulkin
I have well over 150 .pdf files using .pdf embed on my site and no matter what I try one .pdf keeps giving me the message below. I have tried deleting the stack then loaded it again. I’ve even loaded the .pdf again from google patents and nothing works. This one is above my pay grade.
This link shows the .pdf file in question
The first RapidWeaver image says one or more resources already exist in this project.
Would you like to duplicate the resources or use the existing ones?
Use Existing Resources
The second one says .pdf is missing and I can’t figure out how to fix it. What I find interesting is I have over 150 doing the exact sane thing.
PDF.js v2.2.228 (build: d7afb74a)
Message: Missing PDF “,941---Bate-”.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.