Open Links In A New Window Issue

I have published my site ( ) now for eight years using this Rapidweaver and used a number of different themes for variety over the years. Prior to today, I used the Veerle theme and my links always opened in a new window.

To refresh the site I changed the theme to Affero today. Since changing, links no longer open in a new window even though I have set them to do so.

Am I missing something obvious or what? I need to have links open in new windows again.

Any suggestions or help appreciated.

There’s some code errors that should look at. Specifically there’s an unnecessary script tag in your Stats field (in Site Setup).

<script type="text/javascript"> var MarketGidDate = new Date(); document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" ' +'src="'+MarketGidDate.getYear()+MarketGidDate.getMonth() + '" charset="utf-8" ></scr'+'ipt>'); </script>

should be

var MarketGidDate = new Date(); document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" ' +'src="'+MarketGidDate.getYear()+MarketGidDate.getMonth() + '" charset="utf-8" ></scr'+'ipt>');

RapidWeaver applies these tags automatically.

I think I removed that unnecessary script tag, not sure, but no luck on getting links to open in a new window.

Appears to be a shortcoming of the theme. Our default JS is not in the theme. I’ll chase the developer about this, and we’ll make sure this is updated in the next RW 6 update.


Thanks Nik, I thought it was me. I hope it does not take too long. Cheers, Don

Also should point out that Format>HTML>Align image left or right does not respond either, likely another shortcoming to be addressed?

Also that theme does not recognize changes properly and uploads every file with each project change.