Page background colour in Foundation

How can I change the page background colour for all pages in Foundation?

All the settings are in site styles…make a partial and put it on every page.
I think that is right…always ask @joeworkman to be sure.

Dear Joe,
I cannot find the settings in site styles. Could you please show a screenshot?

Hope this helps:
Sorry…try this one:

Ahh, you have a much more modern version. I only have this. How to update?

Or can I do it with the version I have?

You have F1…here it is:

Ver 1.9.3

Unfortunately, I don’t have the same content in the inspector, as you can see in may attachment above. It says ‘Site Styles’ as header, but below it says ‘Background’ instead of ‘Foundation - Site Background’ as in your picture.

What am I doing wrong? I remember that I initially set the site background to grey with Site Styles, but it doesn’t work anymore, as it seems to me.

Have you updated it in stacks window?
Screen Shot 2021-09-22 at 9.52.14 AM
1.9.3 is the latest ver

Do you mean the update for $79,95 as depicted here?

no…just the free update of ver 1

I found it!

I had to reload Site Styles to my page.

Thank you very much! You saved my day!

Yell antime!!
If you need help!!


I believe the Site Styles that you had on the page was a partial. If you double clicked into it, you would have been able to edit the actual Site Styles.

You are using Foundation v1. I released Foundation v6 almost 2 years ago.

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Some of us old people still use it…hehe…
I use F6 too!!!
Just messing with you Joe!!

I agree that F6 is far better than F1, keep in mind that it’s a total rebuild of any site that is using F1. It not just buying the upgrade and republish.

You have to rebuild the entire website.

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