Parallax not working by JW

Joe Workman Parallax Stack Image is leaving its container when in the Ipad layout mode (both 10.5 and 12.9). Any idea why? Using Foundation 6.1 stacks, also Target stack to center the text to the image. The image is set at 550px height and 20px bleed. The Taget stack is inside the sites main container and the container is at “site width, not full width” 40%20PM|534x499

Without a URL to at least a test page it’s difficult to say what might be happening.

You could try a process of elimination. Removing each stack involved until the problem goes away. That would narrow down what might be causing the issue.

It only happens on mobile menu! Thanks for your help! I’ll try what you recommended but would still love your thoughts on the matter!

I’m assuming the page with the problem is here:
I’m not at a Mac right now, but on my standard iPad (5th generation 2017) I don’t see the problem. I also don’t seem to go into the mobile menu mode in either landscape or portrait mode.

I also checked it on an iPhone 7 (mobile menu) and didn’t see the issue.

I might be looking at the wrong page though. I don’t own Parallax, but I’m not seeing a parallax effect on mobile either.

Parallax doesn’t work with mobile. But when I view it in Firefox and Safari in IPad the right side jumps out of the DIV. wondering why you can’t see it? If you check out the image I uploaded you can see what I’m seeing. Look at right side.

This is what I see

Wow, I don’t see the issue in those pics? I guess it’s just a fluke on my side maybe?

Thank you for checking it out for me! Sometimes I feel like I need a 2nd opinion to sleep better at night lol I will continue the build and hopefully no one sees what I’m seeing. Wondering how it could look good on your side. What is the dimensions of your IPad screen? I checked it out on a 10.5 in and 12.9 which both showed the picture outside the main div.

It’s 9.7-inch, 2048x1536.

Ahh, that is why you are not seeing what I’m seeing.

I just checked and it seems the problem occurs at a screen width starting at 1024px and ending at about 1096 px. It also occurs at other widths if you put the browser in resposnive mode and drag the screen size you will see that the image is not responding correctly.

It looks like it is related to the Parallax stack. I’m not going to be around my Mac much for the next few days and I don’t own Parallax so I don’t know how much help I’ll be. I would try something else to set the background image and see if that does clear out the problem. That would at least narrow it down to Parallax causing the issue.

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