Parallaxer stack v1.3 update

Hi All,

I’ve just pushed out a nice update to Parallaxer stack.

v1.3 adds a whole new option for your image movement needs: Unleashed mode! This mode allows you to set your images free on the page and have them move across the screen in a novel way as the user scrolls.

Also in this release is the option to remove the parallax effect on devices under a configurable breakpoint. Parallaxer works great on mobile devices but there may be times where you want to prevent the movement when viewed on small screens.

You’ll find examples (mainly using patterns) of everything that you can do with Parallaxer stack on the main Parallaxer page and further examples (using images) on the More Examples page.

Check it out!


p.s. If you have Parallaxer already then you might want to download the updated project file from the website - it contains the whole web page used in the More Examples page. I’ve added different versions of this page using Blank theme, Foundation and Foundry (in RW7 and RW8 formats).


Will it update in RW…or do we need a link to the new download?

Yes should update automatically. Let me know if not.

Looking at it in RW8…not updating yet.

Odd. It came through ok in testing. Not at my computer just now but will check ASAP. You can get from paddle locker if you want now. I updated it there too.

Ok. thanks

Working now…I restarted RW8

Good stuff. Thanks for letting me know Joe.

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