Photo and Sequential Files

Has anyone else had problems with the new Nick Cates Photo Stack and the Batch sequential numbered files. Have not been able to get it to work. Single file showing of the url I enter shows but not the following files. Have numbered two ways test - 1.jpg, test - 2.jpg and test-1.jpg and test-2.jpg.
Any ideas please.


Hmm just installed stack and starting on a site for an artist and was going to use this feature. suppose we need to link @nickcates in on this to see if he has some answers for us

Thanks @scottsteven for tagging me on this! Richard forgive me for not prodiving coded examples in the first place for sequential images, this was entirely my mistake. I’ve now added much more details on what works and what doesn’t for file names in the Photo manual. But here’s the nitty gritty:

Currently, sequential image file endings must be in a specific format. Here’s what will work, and what will not. - 1.jpg” - Works!” - Fail 1.jpg” - Fail” - Fail

Also note, the number “1” cannot be in the folder naming. - 1.jpg” - Works! - 1.jpg” - Works!” - Fail” - Fail

In a future update, I on making the naming more forgiving, but for now, it’s strictly " - 1.jpg", " - 2.jpg", " - 3.jpg", etc. Photos for mac does this name formatting automatically.

Just wanted to touch base with this thread again, Photo 1.0.3 now has Batch sequential filenaming that’s FAR less strict. Any image naming that ends with “1” is now acceptable, and name your folders whatever.