Photo gallery loses style information

I am in the process of building 4 websites using RW 8.0.3, each with about 200 digital assets. I am using 2 different themes, Mountain and Lander. Both have the problem. The images are all being displayed with the basic RapidWeaver gallery, about 20 images per gallery.

In Lander the display should be

For the faulty galleries I get left justify, no text font, background effects, etc:

Similarly using Mountain as the example, instead of:

I am getting a left justify, basic look.

Toggling back and forth between the gallery and slideshow does not help. Changing in and out of the theme does not help. Shutting down and relaunch does not help. I tried a rebuild of one of the whole sites, days of work, and it has gone unstable as well.

Any ideas?


With so many great gallery stacks out there…why would you use the built in one.


Thanks for the response Joe. We don’t need anything fancy, and surely the built in gallery should work. It looks great until it somehow loses the style formatting on closing the project. We can’t be the first to come across this and I was hoping someone else had found a remedy.

Understand….my bitch with the built in gallery…it must go to a new page and it looks ugly.
and you must put all the files in RW…I tend to host mine on my server…then I can change them often.

Let me know if you ever need help.

Joe Martin

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