Plus Code Font Size?

Can you help me understand how changes to plus code font sizes works? I’m using Multithemes Plan theme which has plus code built in. This is what I have. I don’t understand how changes in the code affect font size. That’s what I need help with.

<p class="fa-max-50 font-3 fa-slide-left fa-inline-block">Selling Rare & Collectable</p>

<p class="fa-2x font-3 fa-slide-right fa-inline-block">Depression Era Kitchen Glassware</p>

<p class="fa-2x font-3 fa-slide-left fa-inline-block">Since 1985</p>

The font awesome(looks like v4) sizing is documented here

I’m trying to adjust the font sizes. No luck so far. I want lines two and three larger text.

I don’t know anything about the font codes built into Multithemes, I can’t find any documentation on the Example page or a help area on the main site?

Most come with the theme maybe?

  • I could tell you how to change the font size with CSS if you have a URL.

  • You could replace the class statements above with some inline styling.

  • You could change them from paragraphs to heading

Yep, it’s kind of a mystery what to do to make font size changes. I just played with it until I got something that looked OK. I wish it was clearer how this works.

You could just add the inline styling statement to the <p tag instead of those classes.

<p style="font-size:50px;">Selling Rare & Collectable</p>
<p style="font-size:35px;">Depression Era Kitchen Glassware</p>
<p style="font-size:25px;">Since 1985</p>

Have you tried reaching out to @MultiThemes? He is usually pretty responsive to helping with his products.

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Michelangelo @MultiThemes. Can you please shed some light on how the sizing of fonts works with plus code?

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Hi Bruce, using the Plus Code you don’t have to add code for the font size. PlusCode fonts are responsive and you have to use the right starting size.
the code is:
fa-max-30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275 and 300 ( …300 is the max size in pixel)

with this code you don’t need stacks or anything and you can use it in all RW plugins/pages ( see this simple StyledText page)

hope this helps

Thanks @MultiThemes. I remembered there were certain numbers to use, I just didn’t remember what the numbers were. Where are those numbers shown in documentation? I know I saw it somewhere. I will test them.

there are no further codes for the text of the responsive icons,; in the demo project ( depends on the theme) you can find several examples.

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