So myself and Ben are set to record the 14th episode of the RapidWeaver show later this week. That means we’ve been doing this for 14 weeks already. Crazy!
Anyway, I wanted to know how we’re doing. Are you guys still enjoying the show? Is there anything we could change to make it better? Do we have the right mix of laughs and information?
Let us know what you want. All feedback appreciated!
I’ve enjoyed every one of them to date, you even correctly (well almost anyway) enunciated my last name on one of the shows where I posted a query lol. I find your humour good, your subject good, your coverage is sometimes good, sometimes not so much (or, I should say, hard to understand or comprehend without pictures).
Perhaps in the future, have guest developers on, turn the podcast into a demo like video when talking about certain subjects RW related or make a tutorial
Can’t wait for the private Podcasts to start for Gold Members :)+1:, is this going to be a private invite only podcast or a youtube private page or???
Hi i am listening to your 14th Podcast, they are all very enjoyable, thanks.
I was shocked to be told that i shouldn’t be using PLUSKIT, i use it a lot and havent found any trouble with it at all.
However you DID NOT say what WE should all be using if we CANNOT use PLUSKIT ?
I found out earlier this week that Partials cannot be used in a NON-Stack page and it was suggested, by a highly respected member, that i should use PlusKit to do get a Partials into a NON-Stacks page.
If you can, use Stacks Partials where available. For non-stacks, you could look at Joe’s Global Content stack to bring non-stacks pages into a Stacks page.
More is better, LOL.
In particular, does it matter if you have an “offsite” blog like and use the Blog stack to put it on your site - vs- using the built in blog? What about a blog hosted at -vs- a self hosted Wordpress blog?
Does it hurt that stacks renames all my images?
What about folder names? Do they matter?
I understand it’s a huge subject and you covered, tags, meta, content,open graph,image alt tag, keywords etc. in episode 5. I would like to hear more RW specific SEO info like I mentioned above. And since load speed is apparently more and more important. What are the top ways to improve load speed in on RW sites.
Thank You
Love the podcasts
Just subscribed to “The RapidWeaver Show” Podcast. Thanks for the mention on Episode 13! I was surprised that I was even on it.
For those inquiring, greetings! My name is William! I represent the sole proprietorship for the RW entity “tMM Tekh”. I have been involved with RapidWeaver since 2012, and loving the application ever since! I enjoy pushing the boundaries of things, and I hope that each of my products reflect the vast amount of effort, time, and practicality invested into it. In addition to my business, I have also volunteered as a column writer for RapidWeaver Central, where I critique (and often revere) recently-launched Stacks & Themes. Take the time to read some of my stuff if you like!
My apologies if I am not too involved in the community forums right now, as sometimes the work overload (especially for one man holding the reins) prevents me from doing so. I will try to make myself a common presence in the forums as time permits. Once again, thanks for the mention on the Podcast, and greetings to the warmest extent!
Here’s an idea to get the Rapidweaver economy going a bit.
A few folk have been asking for reviews of their sites, so how about either yourselves, or guest hosts in the form of developers do a critique AND suggest how their stacks (or others) could assist with workflow or improve the experience.
I reckon that could be a win for a lot of folk. Music tech magazines used to do it and it certainly didn’t upset the sales of plug-ins.
It’s just that the plugin uses some “Private methods” which means it’s highly susceptible to break when we update RapidWeaver.
Private Methods are bits of code that were never intended to be used by plugins, and could therefor be removed/changed without notice to developers.
That means that your RapidWeaver site could suddenly stop working when we update RapidWeaver. And we don’t want that to happen, so we strongly advise you use PlusKit with caution.
You can do that with RapidCart Pro and automatic digital delivery.
By publishing a free product, customers have to order it giving name and email to get a download link.
Getting off topic here, but @Chrisfrench - you can also use the flat-out-awesome MachForm to implement an email capture before allowing for file download, as seen here. Click the graphic or “Read more” link.