Podcast Episode 22

Anyone recall if it has been mentioned whether or not there will be a podcast out today?

I can’t remember if we are on a holiday break.


@ben & @dan did say at the end of Episode 21 that there would be one this week, however, I wasn’t really expecting it due to being New Years Eve. They didn’t do their usual post of asking for user questions for the show…


Sorry for the delay guys. It were supposed to be out today, but life got in the way as it sometimes does :confused:

We’re going to try and record one tomorrow… Stay tuned.

Cheers for your ears!


@dan, no worries man, hope you are having a relaxing family time break.


Thanks @dan and @ben, posted and listening to…

Maybe your Podcasts are simply looked forward to because we just love your British Humour/sarcasm? Lol

No offence was taken about being a newb :wink: and I am honoured that you think I am a longtime user of RapidWeaver :slight_smile:

Great initial job of advertising your Typed dot com site and third party developers for themes of said site. I think you can do better though :wink: lol (You were sort of rushed this episode so you’re excused lol)

I’ve got big shoulders lol, yes, I suggested advertising… you are a company after all and have to generate recurring income for sustainability. If someone can’t understand that then that is a shame because without recurring income there is no money to keep the lights on let alone development. Just my opinion though as I understand society today wants everything for nothing, it is what it is…

What’s the feedback been like on the advert issue? Personally, I would like you to keep it RapidWeaver/Typed related, new Developer Products, RapidWeaver/Typed Tutorial sites that charge, things like that. I don’t think it unreasonable for you to promote a new Stack, Plugin or Theme for a fee from developers since they get to add them for free, if they want a mention on the show perhaps a small fee, perhaps not… I have no idea of fees associated with a dev account through you folks so won’t even go there… just throwing out ideas.

I surely hope other Weavers weally offer their suggestions/comments/feedback wegawding wecuwwing wevenue :wink:



Great show guys! Thanks for going the extra mile to release one this week. :smile:

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Thank guys, you rock! :blush:

Happy New year and all that!

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