Poster Stack images not loading/showing - SOLVED

I am using Poster Stack for blogging on my website. At post no.3 and no.4 the images are not showing/loading on the main page. I use Impact for a slideshow, which works fine on the first two postings.

Post no.3:

Post no.4:

Furthermore I use ‘warehousing’ the images on the server because the normal ‘picture’ from Poster does not have this option.

I am a bit worried, as I want to create a lot more postings.

They show just fine for me :slight_smile:

I see them in Chrome fine. You do have a JS error on

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I see the preview images on the main page but if I click on post 3, I am not able to see the Impact images (though it does seem to be making space for it).

As @teefers says, there are some errors on the page which may be interfering with things, though i don’t know how to troubleshoot them specifically.

Ok, how do I tackle that JS error?

You also have a couple of massive image files on that post 3. Both almost 4MB’s each. It may not fix the problem but you should definitely resize and optimize your images.


The problem was indeed the large MB picture files. I will replace the large ones with smaller ones. This topic can be closed.


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