Hi All, i am slowly getting to grips with RW 6.3.3 and Stacks 3, RW still has the odd crash though !!!
However my question today :- on my Projects Window my current project has an ICON very much like a Stacks Icon, but all the other Projects in the same Window have an Icon that depicts what the Index Page looks like !.
Very strange i thought, the Project that doesnt show the correct Icon is using the Archetypon Theme “GRID”
I believe this issue was raised during the beta - take a look at that thread. I think that the previews have been disabled but you can re-enable them in the settings if you want it back…
Tim you are not alone…I’ve also wondered the same thing. I like seeing my theme rather than the Stacks icon. I can’t even find that Stacks Preferences window so you are way more advanced than me lol. Note to self…read some bloody manuals.
We generate a QuickLook thumbnail on the initial save of a document. And then a week or so later it’ll update. But there’s no other way to force it to update.
In follow up to this specific area we’ve been talking about, is there a way to read the full title of the projects in this window? For example I have 2 projects showing up, Transparent 5.4 and Transparent 6.3, but I can only see the word ‘transparent’ the rest is cut off…so other than having to actually open both to see which is which, how can I read the full title of my project before opening? Resizing the window doesn’t help.
Excellent @Gabrielle i couldnt have put it better myself a very good suggestion, maybe a Finder kind of display where the divisions can be dragged wider, revealing the full length of the project/file name