I have not yet been able to solve the publishing problem that I have encountered since upgrading from RapidWeaver 7 to RapidWeaver 8.3.
I know the latest version is 8.4 but that requires updating my whole operating system and I really don’t want to do that now. I have way too much work. I teach at a university and created these websites to facilitate my teaching. When the term is over I would upgrade but I don’t want to do that now.
I don’t understand why I should have to upgrade yet again when I just paid for the upgrade to 8.3.
The problem I am having is that I have not been able to successfully update my sites for several weeks now, ever since I upgrade to 8. Sometimes it works but most of the time not.
I am merely trying to upload pdf files of readings and course materials for students.
if you scroll down to week 9. You will notice that I have successfully added two files, The Hindu Trimurti and The Dance of Shiva, but I have tried a dozen times to upload Desire and Devotion in Indian Art.
You will notice I am using Bluehost. No, they are not helpful in dealing with RapidWeaver and I do plan to move to a different server. I am using Chillidog for another site I more recently started. I wanted to move my philosophy pages to Chillidog before the fall term started but just couldn’t do it yet.
I tried again after updating my foundation stacks and also changing the publishing mode back to the default settings. I have tried all three modes, and still no luck
Are you sure your FTP settings are correct? I know it sounds obvious but is always the first place to start.
Can you browse your server from the Publishing Setup, if not then something basic is wrong.
Since you can test okay and browse okay then i’d clear the path out (Blank) hit the browse button and select the directory public_html. RapidWeaver will put the needed / or not.
@freeman57 Besides the advice you’ve already received I have noticed some things on your login that are different from my setup. Some of these differences may be okay, but likely others are not.
server: you give a number. My approach has “tfreeman.net” in for the server
path: as advised … have you changed to publish_html/ ??? you currently have /public_html (the differences are important)
mode: I would try “extended passive”. It may work where passive did not
I get that you’re frustrated, but there’s nothing about version 8 that should cause this issue. I don’t know why things changed. Perhaps some change at your hosting company, perhaps something else. But we can’t help you if you don’t give precise feedback (e.g. @teefers already suggested changing the path name )
I have spent the whole day trying to solve this problem, not getting anything done on the work i need to do to teach my classes in the morning.
I spent about three hours talking with tech support at bluehost trying multiple things. We were finally able to get it to publish all the file, not not to the public folder. We has to go to the cpanel file manager at bluehost and manually move the files to the public folder.
We had to do something to the FTP settings at bluehost that I never had to do with RapidWaever 7, and then the files published to the proper folder, but the upload always timed out resulting in the “could not upload to FTP” error message. The very patient tech assistant at bluehost recommended I try to publish only the pages that I needed to update. I remember that RapidWeaver 7 allowed this, but I could not see how to do this in 8.3.
She finally gave up too and advised me to just install the new operating system so that I could update to Rapidweaver 8.4.
i have been working the last few hours to do that.
updating to RapidWeaver 8 has been a total nightmare.
Now this might be out there but this has happened to me before.
Check to see if you have any sort of ‘protection’ set on your modem/wireless router. It might think your FTP connection is a malicious attack uploading your info.