Question about the Rapidweaver Email Tutorial announced today

Hi all - I just got an email about the new Rapidweaver email course - it says all you need are Rapidweaver and Stacks - are their particular stacks that also need to be purchased to do what’s being done in the course? I know Joe Worman just came out with his own email stack… is this basically a tutorial that shows how to use that stack or is it one that shows us how to instead create email templates with the stacks we already have (if you have stacks :slight_smile:

I’d hate to buy the tutorial to only find out that I need to make another purchase to get some use out of the tutorial.

Does anyone know?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Yeah, from what i can tell, it’s for using Joe’s new set of stacks.

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I’m sure you are going to need Joe Workman’s Email Stacks.

But, your question has made me think of two follow up equations to this.

  1. Joe’s Email Stacks are built on the Foundation framework, but I’m not sure if you need to use Joe’s Foundation theme (which is free so not a problem if you do), and/or his suite of Foundation stacks (which are paid for)?

  2. Are the Email Course videos going to be added to the Rapidweaver Community area so can be accessed by those paying a subscription to this? I’ve just checked and they aren’t available there yet, perhaps @bon could let us know one way or the other?



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Sorry. Or two follow up questions (rather than equations)…

No, Email comes with it’s own theme and you do not need Foundation theme or stacks to use Email.

@bon would have to let you know about this.

Hello weavers!

  1. Yes, you need a copy of Joe’s Email stacks. This is mentioned on the web page, but I will look at making that clearing so there’s no misunderstanding.

  2. Yes, the course will be added to the Community site soon — It will be available to all paid subscribers.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Happy Weaving :slight_smile:

Thanks for answering so quickly! At this point I’m going to pass. I may look at some software mentioned in another thread. No urgency here, so it makes sense to check out other options.

Thanks again!

It wasn’t that clear - at least for me - I think I needed to see ‘Joe Workman’s new Email Stacks’ to figure it out :slight_smile:

Passing on both.


I would suggest it’s also worth making clear that the emails will also be limited to sending using a service such as MailChimp.
So far as I can see you can’t yet just build an email to send with a bog standard client such as Apple Mail.

I’m hoping JW will be addressing this in the future. I have no need for sending bulk email but I love the idea of creating complex individual emails in a stacks/RW environment with product information for client enquiries.

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You can send an email in Apple Mail quite simply from Joe’s stack.
The problem that you have is you don’t have the automated unsubscribe nor the analytics.
If you don’t want these simply add a signature, close mail make email in stack, place in I liner copy HTML, open signatures in library, copy HTML in and save, lock and open mail.
Open a new mail and just add signature and there’s your email in all its HTML glory.

Is there any news when this is going to be added to the Subscribers area of the Community Site please @bon?




I was in touch with Joe Workman straight away when he launched stack and I ordered and had a play as I use Mail Chimp at moment. He responded saying that he does not support this now and maybe in the furure he will have look at it.

Its just something I tried and it worked, sadly I want to use email signatures but can’t get total left justification as it leaves a bit of a border that I’ve tried to get rid of.

I do not programme but have used Rapidweaver for years and I am now into foundation and Total CMS to run a small one man band e-commerce shop.

Hope this helps?


It’ll be added next week, sorry for the delay!

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I assume it will be with all the other tutorials?
