Q1: I guess this does not happen on mine because I can’t get the Preview page to work, and the alerts only occur on the Preview page?
Correct - Run stacks updater to get the latest stacks. The current version is 1.6.5
My copy of waterfall reports Theme version of 1.6.2 which is correct. You do have to manually check with waterfall yes, but it makes downloading much easier. Usually, just add a waterfall page and run the update when you get the red message saying your theme is out of date.
Just try a new blank project, preview it and see if the update messages are gone after updating.
Key Question 3: When I open an old project to work on, are all the stacks in that project AUTOMATICALLY upgraded to their updated versions that I have downloaded in the intervening weeks/months in that project? To be clear, an old project using say Joes Foundation stacks v1.2 will AUTOMATICALLY, upon opening just update itself to v1.3 or whatever that I had updated to meanwhile?
Yes, the stacks that a project uses are whatever is currently installed in your library BUT…
At certain points, a stack may be deprecated - that is to say that it is superseded by an entirely different stack. This was the case with a lot of the new stacks that were released for Stacks 3 and in particular, regarding the Foundation stacks, at release 1.5.
Old projects with pre 1.5 stacks will still work and you can still edit those stacks as normal - you just cannot drop in new copies of those stacks as they are not shown in your library. In Foundation (and my BWD stacks) these stacks will show the word (legacy) in brackets after the stack name in edit mode. Just to be clear, you do not need to change these for new ones if you don’t want to and you can continue to edit their settings. Many people however swap them out for the new versions in the stacks library in order to benefit from the new stacks 3 features and settings.
Please tell me the same happens with themes, opening an old project will automatically become updated to the latest version of the theme that I have downloaded - because I have no idea what version of the theme I have anyway (it doesn’t say in the Theme drop down - just says Foundation)!
Absolutely - just like stacks, RW will have only one version of your theme installed and this is the one that gets used when you select it for use.
Look in Manage AddOns - and it will tell you the theme version