Quote Stack by Yourhead

Is the Quote stack by Yourhead 4.0.0 discontinued?

I’ve used it for a very long time and can’t use apostrophes or special symbols. I can’t be the first to run into this issue. Wanting to know if I need to look for another solution to future proof my quotes and if so, what stack should I look at that brings such a good looking Quote out to the reader.


The quote stack is still around and (as far as I know) works exactly as it has for the last 10 years or so.

If things aren’t quite right when you’re previewing or publishing their might be an issue with the theme you’re using. I’ve seen a few web-fonts that don’t come with nice quote characters that the quote stack uses.

A quick way to test this theory is just to switch your theme temporarily and see if that corrects the issue.

If it does turn out to the be an incompatibility with the theme, check to see if the web-font the theme uses is a preference that you can change. Or work with the theme developer to see if you can override the web-font.

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Will give it a try. I have used your Quote stack with Creamy (each version, now 7.0.1) from Seydesign for as long as I can remember. If I use an apostrophe, semicolon, etc., in the quote, it goes wonky on the publish.

Thanks @isaiah.

if publish differs from preview then it’s likely the ftp didn’t complete or something went wrong with the publish.

in all cases if publish differs from preview the solution is to choose Re-Publish All Files from the File menu. This is different from just clicking publish. It will force every file to be uploaded again. This takes some time, but it will get Preview and Publish back in sync.

I deleted my entire site via FTP and then republished all pages. No change.

I’ve used this stack with one form of The Creamy theme since the early days. I’ve always had this issues. I may try a different them with a small test project and see. Unsure why this has always been an issue. I just thought the stack had been abandoned. I’ll have to test this further.

I have a very old version of Creamy on my system, and I think I see what you mean. I opened the site in a few different browsers and there are two distinct behaviors – not just in the quote stack, but the font is different everywhere:

Chrome (and variants) has different fonts than Safari (and RW).

This appears to be a bug in the theme. The theme specifies the font “PT Sans” and the CSS to download that as a web-font. But (at least in my quite old copy of this theme) the theme doesn’t include this font file “pt-sans-extended.woff2”

The results that you get after that depends a bit on the behavior of the browser and what you have set as your default “sans serif” fallback font.

I try pretty hard to keep my system as plain vanilla as possible for testing like this – so I don’t have special sans-serif font specified in Safari. This means that both RW and Safari use the system font San Francisco as the sans-serif font.

But in chrome I haven’t been so careful and pure and set my sans-serif font to Avenir which is what you see in my screenshot. I did this so long ago that I don’t recall what the default font is in Chrome – but it’s certainly not Avenir. That’s just a personal favorite of mine. Yours probably looks a bit different.

I’m not sure if Creamy is still being actively maintained or by whom. It was originally designed by SeyDoggy. My version also has @nimblehost on the copyright – so that’s a good place to check.

Hopefully that at least solves the mystery, if not the problem.

And the solution to the problem is simple enough… it would just be to add this font to the theme by the developer – or to choose a web-safe font that all browsers share.

In either case, I don’t think there’s much Stacks or the Quote stack can do about this one, I’m afraid.


Updated: labels on the screenshot were swapped in my first post. oops. fixed.

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@aplnub Will Woodgate at ThemeFlood took over the seyDesign brand and all its themes (including Creamy) back in 2016. I’m fairly sure Will updated Creamy since taking over seyDesign, so my suggestion would be to contact him for assistance about getting the latest version of the theme to see if that helps with the issue you’re seeing:


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I have emailed Will. I’ll update here with the outcome. Thank you everyone.

Creamy looks to be still available
There’s a free demo version that you could grab and try, see if it fixes the problem.

I’ve got version 7.01 (I think), what version are you on?

I told Will v4 but I just purchased it. May I do have 7. I remember it being a X.0.1.

I have purchased each version.

Latest version should be in your paddle locker.

Version 8 will be out soon and fixes this. Two thumbs to everyone and Will.

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I can confirm that Creamy v8 fixes this issue. Thank you to everyone again for the help and feedback.


@willwood, the best.


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