I have Rapidcart Pro and considered upgrading to advanced for the digital downloads.
I am wondering if:
- Will RCPA work behind a locked page with say PageSafe by Joe Workman?
- Organising products: say I do a shoot where the client selects photos, how are they organised for Client 1 under products as opposed to Client 2 so that each Client gallery remains separate and private.
I am thinking I set up a new Product Stack for each Client (behind a PageSafe login) and the TAGS used in RCPA (Client 1; Client 2 etc) will sort according to each client to appear on the product page.
However, does that mean I have to create a new product for every single image for every single client? That will be a chore.
I have a feeling I am missing a crucial step or misunderstanding something somewhere with RCP in the set up for multiple images for 1 client.
Basically I am trying to achieve separate client galleries like Zenfolio etc which are p/w protected and allow for the selection, purchase and download of images.