Anyone have any issues setting up a RapidCart Pro store?
It says I’m failing the Stripe, Email, and Amazon S3. However, the in RW it can access Amazon S3, I know the email is valid, and the Stipe API key is accurate.
Anyone have any issues setting up a RapidCart Pro store?
It says I’m failing the Stripe, Email, and Amazon S3. However, the in RW it can access Amazon S3, I know the email is valid, and the Stipe API key is accurate.
That’s because you are visiting your website using a web address that’s different from the one you have set in your RapidWeaver project. Possibly a www
Please update your RapidWeaver Project web address accordingly and republish the page.
@rob, thank you for you reply.
I have my RW setting set to
The RCP setting is asking for the page that me ‘store’ is embedded on which is
Does this mean that my store either has to be on the home page or I have to set the main URL to
I have redirects setup so that it always direct to https://www.
@rob, so I tried both making the store the home page as well as changing the main URL to end in /store.
Neither resolved the issue.
You have set Stacks Store URL
to in Customization > Settings > General window.
The page doesn’t exist.
Please set it to the stacks page that actually contains RapidCart Pro Store stack.
Hmm, that is interesting. I am 99% certain I’ve never entered that into the settings.
I just did a “republish all files” with the original setup I had when I posted my original post. (Depicted in the photos below)
After your first reply I changed the URL in the General setting of RW to be
After that did not work I changed it back and made the Store page my home page and set the RCP Stack store URL to and republished all files.
Perhaps I misunderstood your instructions.
Can you please confirm whether or not these settings should work?
NOTE: The images kept getting edited out.
I still see RapidWeaver Project web address set to
without https
You can see it in Info
table at
Please update RapidWeaver Project web address accordingly and republish the page.
I hadn’t noticed that as I kept I immediately scrolling down.
The url was correct in both places. The solution was having to check “force https protocol” and then republish all files.
I think I did this before but neglected to republish all files and just published the changes.
Thanks for your help @rob