Rapid Weaver software add-ons, themes, media, video courses etc.

Hello everyone,
Very limited “free” software add-ons for Rapid Weaver. Even "how-to " video’s are all premium priced content.
Why is there no social Rapid Weaver groups. Decent, active, free and supportive ones anyway.
Free add-ons to make this software feel warranted? Yes. Lots.
Am I missing something???youporn.wiki/ xhamster.vip/

On Fridays, @joeworkman has a ‘hangout’ where people are invited to drop in and chat about whatever may come up. Often it can be someone looking for support or website feedback, so there’s one option. @Marten_Claridge has weekly support workshops (every Wednesday, I believe) where he teaches various website design, mainly using Big White Duck stacks (which are incredible and also free).
Joe Workman has a support forum ( https://community.weavers.space) and a bunch of free product videos, a collection of developers are available at https://forum.rw4all.com, @Elixir runs his own free support forum and free product tutorials, @isaiah has a Slack channel and checks in on all above forums, and then there is this one here, which I find is as supportive as it comes. (I’m missing some others).

It would be nice to have more free video tutorials, but they’re hard to maintain with product/feature updates. https://www.rapidweaverclassroom.com/ (I think) offers a free trial to it’s massive collection of training videos. There are some free videos here https://rapidweavercommunity.com/ as well as a free trial (if you timed it right, you may be able to watch all the videos you need in the free trial period.

As for hoping for people to actively develop free add-ons to help justify your purchase of Rapidweaver, I don’t know what to tell you. That seems like a tall order


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