Rapidcart not working with phone purchasing

Good evening all…I am having issue with customers ordering things on a phone via my Rapidcart shop. Items are added to basket ok, but it will not progress to Paypal. Seems to work ok on desktop and laptop machines.

I have tried re uploading entire site…but no luck.
I tried enabling ‘debug mode’ in rapidcart and the problem resolves (but seems to make a lot of ‘code’ appear on the shopping site at checkout!

Any help gratefully received.

Maybe @rob can have a look…

Thanks for passing this on to Rob

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We don’t provide support on Community Forums.
Please write to help@4gnd.com.

BTW the problem is caused by the theme.
There’s an overlapping top arrow that prevents you from clicking bottom right buttons.

Screen Shot 2020-11-06 at 15.12.28

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