RapidCart Pro 4.12.1 - All Items Missing - HELP

Thanks Roberto. Still broken in RW 8.1.5 fyi.

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Hi Roberto,

Thanks for fixing the Rapidweaver 8.1x compatibility, i’ve republished, but theres something

that’s been bugging me…


my social media links are being restyled from white/grey to blue…

compare to :


im using the rapid cart pro product grid stack and the site is all Foundation, im assuming theres

some styling conflict? It previews as expected (white) in Rapidweaver but turns out blue when published.

Thanks again…

I have a similar issue. It is like rapidcart styling overrides foundation styling so would be interested in a solution.

My guess is using Markdown…would be good to get an answer on this please.

Copy the following code

.com_rwtuts_stacks_Social_stack { font-size: 16px !important; }
.com_rwtuts_stacks_Social_stack a { color: white !important; }

and paste it into Customization > Style window.


Brilliant thanks Roberto, worked perfectly of course!

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