Rapidcart Pro on white background instead banner image

Thanks for your suggestions.
I don´t finish setting up Rapidcart Pro and I need to open the online store. I lost time until 4grnd team wrote me back telling me:

There’s a known bug with the RapidCart Pro Store stack if you use it.
If in the page there’s the Cart stack, the store is not shown.
Simply remove the cart stack from the page and the store will be displayed.

It was a big step forward. But since then I see my store on a white background instead on image banner. The store is in home page inside an extra content area. (gamma theme eca 1)
I appreciate any suggestion.
Roberto I need your help I´m waiting for your answer since 7 October. I´ve already read all documentation I´ve found (not too much really).
Thanks for your time.

That’s probably a small incompatibility between RapidCart Pro and the theme you are using, usually easily fixable with a simple CSS or JS rule.
I suggest you to get in touch with the theme developer.
He knows for sure what CSS/JS code must be put in the page to fix the problem.

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I was using Gamma Theme from Multithemes. Gamma demo page is promoted with Rapidcart Pro, inside extra content area 1, here: http://www.multithemes.com/examples/gamma/plugins/rapidcartpro/index.php?catalog/all/-/date/1
May I assume Multithemes team are aware of incompatibility between Gamma and RCP -and they has put a CSS/JS code to fix the problem- but they introduce his Gamma demo page with RCP inside?
Could anyone from Multithemes say something about?

Thanks SteveB. I run of time. I try to answer you later.
By the way I´ve got more question with RCP but I´ve run out of time. I´ll try to post later.
Thanks guys

Michelangelo of @MultiThemes is definitely a helpful and kind guy. He will help you in fixing the problem.

Hi @par10 Pablo , you see the white background only in the RC/stacks page?
Make sure to enable the “Consolidate CSS” in RW pref.
can you send me an email with the single page of your project?
infoATmultithemes DOTcom


It would be nice to have a solution from multithemes but still waiting.

HI Pablo, I’ve sent an email

Hi Michelangelo, any solutions? I am exactly as I was in the beginning twenty days ago. Please could you help?

Hi Michelangelo.
I would be nice to have any reply.

Sorry for my late replies, @SteveB.
I had some personal difficulties.

@MultiThemes will definitely know of to fix this problem.

In the meantime, I reply now to the problem you reported in your last post.

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we have already been working on this problem, the CSS consolidation option was changed in RW7.1 and we’ve update some themes. In all our themes all color are listed at the bottom of the options list, in order to avoid problems with the CSS consolidation.

I will check again the problem on the 7.2