Is 5.4 OK? Is it behaving itself? I’m currently on 5.3.2 and - in the main - it’s really stable. I’m trying to avoid any pain for as long as I can but understand I need to update to 5.4 in order to make the transition to 6.
You should use 5.4.1 because 5.4 had a bug with handling images. And when you convert your projects to the RW6 format you should first open and save them with 5.4.1 otherwise sth in the content of your pages can be mixed up
Stacks 3 is coming very soon. You will want that, I promise. Stacks 3 is going to require RapidWeaver 6. I think that you need to jump onto the bandwagon sooner rather than later.
Like I said, I’ve got RW6 - and am building new sites with it. The issue here is 5.4.1 (which I believe I need in order to save project files that RW6 can open). If that’s safe and stable then I’ll start to migrate sites one at a time.