đŸ”„ RapidWeaver 8.4 and macOS Catalina Plugin Compatibility

I have the latest update of Both Rapid Weaver 8.4 and Stacks on a MacBook Pro (mid 2012) with macOS Catalina V10.15

I confirm all Foreground plugins are already compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina since September.
Latest RapidCart Pro 4, RapidMaps 4 and RapidBot 3 versions can be downloaded in our Downloads page.

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@rob great, I’ll update the post!

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Thank you for all your hard work Issiah!

““anyone have a link for SiteMap 3.2? That is the only plugin that i am having issues with on Catalina (still have 3.1.1 installed).””

Same problem ! :tired_face:

I think that might still be a beta version (3.2). Yourhead usually post beta links on their slack channel.
The last post I found on slack:

I’d try downloading the latest production version first.

No this is the version 3.1.1


Most work OK but a critical plugin for me - Sitemap Pro, does not work.

I keep checking daily but nothing yet. It would be good to hear a status update so at least I know what to expect.

In the meantime I have to use it in my VM but that is a pain.

The beta info:
Hey SiteMap fans, I’ve got a brand new beta build for you. And it’s not just your run of the mill tiny update or little patch for Catalina Notarization – no this one has some big under-the-hood bugfixing happening

 which is exactly why we need to do some beta testing.

If you’d like to run in through it’s paces, grab it, install it, and don’t be afraid to jump back to the current release version (you can get that on the YourHead archive – which is linked at the bottom of every page on our website)

SiteMap v3.2.0 beta 1
Download: http://yourhead.com/appcast/RW6/beta/SiteMap/SiteMap_3.2.0b1_1201.zip
Release Notes: http://yourhead.com/appcast/RW6/beta/SiteMap/release_notes_3.2.0b1_1201/


Same error occurs for me with the new beta

It seems different people are getting different results.

Perhaps someone who is experiencing this problem could contact Cristi @girlcarew at the YourHead support page and find out if there is a link to a version that’s signed. If you get one might post it here.

Otherwise you you’re just going to have to wait for @isaiah to get better.

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I can’t publish, when I start Rapidweaver here are the messages that I am getting:

  1. “RapidBot.rapidweaverplugin” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
    This software needs to be updated. Contact the Developer for more information.
    Rapidweaver 8 created this file on an unknown date.
  2. “ RapidCart.rapidweaverplugin” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
    This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.
    Rapidweaver 8 created this file on an unknown date.
  3. Rapidweaver failed to load some plugins
    RapidBot: Couldn’t obtain plugin principal class
    RapidCart: Couldn’t obtain plugin principal class
    Would you like to check for updates?

Then I have an option to Cancel or Update Plugins - When I hit the Update Plugin option nothing happens.

Please Help - I can’t publish!



I don’t think double posting will get you the answer any faster. I tagged Rob from ForeGround on the other post, but I know there are others using the latest version of RapidCart Pro with Catalina. What happens when you click Cancel. Does RW launch? Did you try to manually upgrade? How did you do that?

Sorry, I didn’t realize I was double posting. Yes, Rapidweaver will open but I can’t publish. Not sure what you mean by installing manually. I have tried to install from the actual site as well as reinstalling.

Again sorry and thank you for trying to help me!!

How are you installing the new plugin?

The “Update Plugin” button you get from Apple when it tells you “Apple Can’t check”. Doesn’t work. It’s an Apple issue.

When you download the dmg
Double click on it then what happens?

@alanancy I confirm that latest versions of our plugins are compatible with macOS 10.15.

Please refer to my answer in original topic.

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How do i revolve the error message ‘To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.’

What do I do to actually get past this point and install the plugin?

Cheers Nigel

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