Rapidweaver 8.9.2 & Monterey Compatibility?

Is RW 8.9.2 fully compatible with MacOS Monterey?

Are there known unresolved issues?

I am running it and have seen no problems.


Thank you!

I just upgraded and cannot successfully publish my website. It works with my older laptop which is running Big Sur. I get an error that says, “Unable to upload file, unstable connection or the server may be out of disk space.”


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It is working for me. I was able to publish updates to a site.
The only thing was if you select Check for Updates, it comes back with an error “Update Error!” “An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later.”

That may be a temporary issue (hopefully).

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Continuing the discussion from Rapidweaver 8.9.2 & Monterey Compatibility?:

I figured out the problem! The publishing setting was FTP and needed to be SFTP. Now everything is working great!


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