Rapidweaver Stacks have disappeared

I had everything moved from an old MacBook Pro to a new one. Now I can’t open a Rapidweaver 5 file because it says add-ons on mission, specifically Stacks. I believe it was Stacks 2, which is not showing up on my drive.

Have anyone had this problem and found solution?


Whoops – “add-ons are missing.”

You can always download Stacks from our website: http://yourhead.com

If you need older versions, like Stacks 2, then you can get those from our archive: http://info.yourhead.com/yourhead-download-archive/


Another issue has reared its head, since transferring to the new MacBook. I can find Rapidweaver 5 (I have two sites on Rapidweaver 5), but my Rapidweaver 7 is missing. I’ve looked everywhere. The man who did the transfer, at Staples, suggested I go to the Rapidweaver website to download it, but I’ve looked everywhere on the site and can’t find where to do it. I have one website build with Rapidweaver 7.



Older versions of RapidWeaver are available via the release notes:

LaPan Brian LaPan Realmac Support
September 21
Older versions of RapidWeaver are available via the release notes:
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RapidWeaver Release Notes

RapidWeaver release notes, including links to download every version of RapidWeaver since 2004.

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whitcom Glynis Whiting
September 21
Another issue has reared its head, since transferring to the new MacBook. I can find Rapidweaver 5 (I have two sites on Rapidweaver 5), but my Rapidweaver 7 is missing. I’ve looked everywhere. The man who did the transfer, at Staples, suggested I go to the Rapidweaver website to download it, but I’…
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