Recipe stack; now looking for info to display internal blog content on another page

As the title says. I’ve done a pretty extensive search and am surprised to find there appears to be no stack, or anything, to create and display recipes.

I’m using the built-in blog pages under an adapted Mountain theme at the moment, and am considering the Poster Stack ( - but before I pay $AUD70-odd for something general, I was really hoping there was something dedicated specifically to the creation and display of recipes.

Any thoughts?

There isn’t. Rapidweaver doesn’t really work that way, but there are plenty of general-purpose funky layout stacks that you could adapt easily to display recipes.

Have a look at something like Multi-step Modal or Flex. Or as your research suggests - Poster would be really good for this.

Many thanks for your quick response!

Time to create templates in Stacks, methinks. (The problem is I keep getting sidetracked into creating “shiny things” when I really should be focussing on just creating content!).

OK. Hopefully the clever people can answer one last question. If I create both a blog AND a recipe template using the Poster stack, what can I use to display the latest post/recipe/content on my front page?

Yes, I’m searching, but I’m not quite familiar enough with RW yet to know exactly what I might be looking for; using an RSS feed to import and display information seems to be the main option (via “embed” or “HTML” stacks, or FeedSlider, or Newsroom, or something else entirely … ), but I’m wondering if there’s something that will take the content of an internal page and display it on another page on the same site.

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