Redirect Dispatcher Dropbox Stack

I read a lot about problems with Dispatcher Dropbox Stack. Today I tried to install it again. After uploading my site - I can tap on the link - but I am not redirected to Dropbox. Is there still no update for the stack?

Warning: curl_setopt_array(): Disabling safe uploads is no longer supported in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 115

Deprecated: Function mcrypt_create_iv() is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 53

I don’t own Dispatscher Server. So what can I do?
Thanks for support.
Best wishes

The Dispatch Dropbox stack has stopped working due to the change of the Dropbox APIs. The weird thing about this issue, is some people still have it working. There probably will not be an update anytime soon. If you have emailed support, we have told people to use Server Dispatch for now, so that is what I would tell you here too.

Hi Robert

Thanks for the answer. It doesn’t really solve my problem…

If the stack isn’t working anymore - I do not understand, why you still sell it? And the stack does not cost little money.



We actually do not still sell it, you can not get it individually or as a bundle. It has not been for sale from the time we learned of the API change.

OK! Correct. Thanks for your answer!
Maybe it is possible to adapt the stack to a box account?

Best wishes


I can make a request for Joe to add support for that, they do have a API for Box, but that would be up to Joe to add it. Again, it will not happen for a while, as he is currently in the middle of two big projects.

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