Remove Externals

I have a lot of Externals, that has been “installed” when installing themes, stacks or projects.
But now I have decided to remove everything I don’t use through RW Settings, but Externals, which I have never used, appear no matter how and what I change in Settings.
I’ve looked up in Finder located in
Library/Group Containers/ 105.stack
and I have tried removing both the folder and the stack but it does not help.
I think they come from 1LD and Foundation, but haven’t found any help there.

Might be best to report this to Yourhead Software as it’s a Stacks issue, not a RapidWeaver issue. From what I understood, it’s a bit hard to remove externals because they just repopulate when you use or re-install the third-party stack or theme that you purchased because the externals are stored in those files, but I’m not certain.

Anyway it’s a known issue that Yourhead Software would need to fix as there’s nothing we can do on our end to fix it. There’s a guide below on how to contact Yourhead Software:

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Thanks - appreciates.
I’ll contact Yourhead