Repository and separate permissions

Following on from very helpful suggestions last week I purchased Repository. What I am trying to achieve is 2 pages on one website - one that is security protected via login and with the ability for ‘administrators’ to upload/download/delete/move etc. files. This I have done very successfully and easily.

One a second page I have again used the Repository stack but on this page I have specified no login is required and download and copy to clipboard only is allowed. However on this second page these settings are ignored and its has the same properties as the page one.

How do I separate the permissions?


Please send me your project as zipped archive.

It is 50Mb + is this the only way to examine this issue?

we are also able to discuss back and forth here in the forum what you did and should have done, if you prefer this…

Yes fine or just email direct?

Whichever way you go it would be very useful to report on the issue and it’s resolution here. It might help someone else in the future!

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I agree with Mathew. Please post issue/Resolution here.

Hi, happy to discuss it here in the forum, what further information is required to move this on? Thanks

I would rather not send the entire project for many reasons, I will create today a simple 3 page site that demonstrates the issue and send you that. Thanks

Attachment available until 1 Nov 2019

As mentioned on the forum attached is a zipped simple 3 page site showing my questions.



Click to Download

27.3 MB

OK, I have emailed you a very simple 3 page site. Home, Manage Documents and Download.

I have given Manage Documents full access to do whatever, Downloads only has permission to download and copy to clipboard. However when I publish the site the Downloads page retains full permissions as set out in the Manage Documents page.


I was able to download your file. It would have been better to send it to the email address I suggested, which is possible to be found here: inStacks Software | Contact

You have 3 pages.

2 of them have the same folder name, starting with an ‘/’.
Which will lead making both of them an absolute folder.

As both have the filename index.php, the last page exported/published will overwrite the first.
As the last page is the administration page, this will lead to overwriting the page before, the downloads only page.

At the end what you want to achieve is not supported: having the exact same folder being “controlled” by a repository stack.

There are complex workarounds possible, which I will not start discussing here in the forum, as it will lead to never-ending discussions.
Again, send me an email to the address accessible here (inStacks Software | Contact) so that I can send you an updated project file with above workaround implemented.

Apologies for not using the correct address. I will now email you at the correct one with the project file attached again.

Many thanks

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