RW Classic Hanging

Hi all. Not sure if this is isolated to me or not, but lately every time I save a project, all I get is a spinning beach ball and I end up having to force quit, reopen, then do a save as instead. If I just hit save it hangs. I’m on a Mac Studio Ultra running the latest version of Sequoia.

Hi @AstraeaMarketing,

Is it only a certain project file that you are seeing this on? If so, a few things to try first:

  1. Restart your Mac, make sure all applications are closed after restart, and then try opening RWC and seeing if it hangs.
  2. Try holding down the Option key when opening RapidWeaver Classic and deselecting the first two options (Enable third-party plugins and Enable third-party themes), and click Continue, then try to see if you can save the project successfully.
  3. Try starting your Mac in safe mode and seeing if you can open and save your project that way.

If all those fail feel free to send us your project file per our guide here so we can take a look and see if we can replicate it.

Thanks, Dan. It’s doing it with all RW projects. I have restarted and relaunched to no avail. I’ll try your other suggestions and report back.

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