RW5 > RW6 Photo editing within a theme. Missing media editor

Hi folks.

I haven’t been here in so long either my old username was deleted or I can’t recall it. I had migrated some sites to RW5 a few years ago. Then life got in the way and I didn’t make any significant changes.

Just this week I launched RW 6. (It doesn’t seem stable.) I upgraded my RW 5.3.2 to RW 5.4.1 and saved my file for before migrating to RW6.

I’ve had several problems. Although I have Stacks 2 and Stacks 3 I’d like to do most of my work within the RW and chosen theme. (This is a volunteer gig, not my profession.)

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled RW 6. It’s still not stable. Perhaps my biggest little headache right now is that I don’t know where I can modify photos in a blog the way I could in RW 5.

Am I overlooking something? Where did the media editor go? I loved being able to scale down images, rotate, and add borders and shadow so readily.

Is this hiding in plain sight? What happens if I eventually move to RW 7.

Thanks for your suggestions.

I’ll answer part of my own question. Double clicking on the images originally did not bring up the media editor. However, I just reinstalled the app again and it’s now working. Double clicking opens the media editor just as I remember it :-).

Is there another way to activate it should it go wayward again? Thanks.

Sounds like your image is in a Stacks “text” stack. In that case you can, as you discovered, dbl click the image. However, if image is in an “Image” stack then, with the stack selected, and the “Inspector” pane showing, click on the rightmost icon as shown here (highlighted in blue) and you you’ll find there what you need.

Thanks, so much for your reply! The image wasn’t in a separate stack; just in the theme’s blog. After I reinstalled RW6 many things behaved better. I look forward to RW7 – just not yet. I’d need an OS upgrade and I’d have some other software conflicts.

THANKS for getting back to me. I appreciate your support and the support in this community. Glad that didn’t change while I’ve been away from it.