After installing beta and all looks great until I hit preview in Safari. and got error. So I thought maybe since I installed MAMP 7 earlier today I shut down MAMP 7 and I now get a new error. I am wondering if it’s MAMP 7 in the way or something else.
With MAMP 7 turned off safari is showing
Notice : fread(): Read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /private/var/folders/wr/f5t62vwj12g6mbw_dyvbd9_r0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/B2BB1381-3C3E-43A9-9C29-5BE8A54CE197/d/RapidWeaver Elemen
It would not surprise me everything else seems rock solid
I’m running Sonoma 14.5 on an Apple M1 Pro. I restarted and still have the same error. It’s also odd that the error output stops with “…a directory in /Ap”
If I try to preview it again I get a standard Safari error (Failed to open page) stating that the server unexpectedly dropped the connection.
same issue, cannot export to local folder, maybe this deliberate at the moment
also if I drop a container then drop in a paragraph I can select either by hovering over outside or inside, I add another container or section below with a paragraph in then switch back and forth can then only select text, container or section are missing, can select in tree or if I changed the width of the paragraph
if I can do this others should be able to create really excellent stuff
I use CleanShot X, it’s a great tool, but is not free.…
However, the Mac has a screen capture tool built right-in, just press shift-command5 or use the QuickTime Player app, more details over on the Apple support site.
yes same problem but differently. When I add a container and I place inside for example a paragraph or a location for an image, once I write the paragraph or add the image, to make the container appear I can not in wysiwyg, I have to go through the sidebar menu to select the container. Sometimes, erratically, by playing with the mouse on the container above or below I can make the highlighted border of the container appear but it is not systematic. Therefore it is very annoying.