Safari Preview giving error

After installing beta and all looks great until I hit preview in Safari. and got error. So I thought maybe since I installed MAMP 7 earlier today I shut down MAMP 7 and I now get a new error. I am wondering if it’s MAMP 7 in the way or something else.

With MAMP 7 turned off safari is showing

Notice : fread(): Read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /private/var/folders/wr/f5t62vwj12g6mbw_dyvbd9_r0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/B2BB1381-3C3E-43A9-9C29-5BE8A54CE197/d/RapidWeaver Elemen

It would not surprise me everything else seems rock solid

I’m getting the same behaviour with the following error when attempting to preview in Safari:

Notice : fread(): Read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /Ap

FYI the Elements file is saved to my ~/Desktop which is also synced with my iCloud Drive.

Woaw Guys you’re fast, I only just had a gallery crash. pff I still have to learn… cool :yum:

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Oh this is a strange one, what system are you both using?

I’m sure there’s nothing too major going on here, as we’ve not seen this here, however we’ll look into it tomorrow (it’s getting late here now).

In the meantime you could try restarting your Mac to see if that fixes the issue (I don’t think it will, but it’s worth a go in narrowing it down).

Update! We think we know what this issue is and should have a fix in the next beta (tomorrow)! :nerd_face:

I’m running Sonoma 14.5 on an Apple M1 Pro. I restarted and still have the same error. It’s also odd that the error output stops with “…a directory in /Ap

If I try to preview it again I get a standard Safari error (Failed to open page) stating that the server unexpectedly dropped the connection.

Thanks for this, but don’t worry… should be fixed tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

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same issue, cannot export to local folder, maybe this deliberate at the moment

also if I drop a container then drop in a paragraph I can select either by hovering over outside or inside, I add another container or section below with a paragraph in then switch back and forth can then only select text, container or section are missing, can select in tree or if I changed the width of the paragraph
if I can do this others should be able to create really excellent stuff

Should be fixed in the next beta build!

Eeek, not sure I follow. Any chance you can post a quick video of this issue? will help to get it fixed quickly :pray:

how do I record a video

I use CleanShot X, it’s a great tool, but is not free.…

However, the Mac has a screen capture tool built right-in, just press shift-command5 or use the QuickTime Player app, more details over on the Apple support site.

recorded video but not allowed to upload?

yes same problem but differently. When I add a container and I place inside for example a paragraph or a location for an image, once I write the paragraph or add the image, to make the container appear I can not in wysiwyg, I have to go through the sidebar menu to select the container. Sometimes, erratically, by playing with the mouse on the container above or below I can make the highlighted border of the container appear but it is not systematic. Therefore it is very annoying.

if I select paragraph and change layout width to reading then the paragraph width is shrunk and the container or section is now visible and selectable

M1 Pro Max Sonoma 14.5

This is now fixed in the latest beta. Check for updates!

Is this update released yet? I’m not getting an update available.

Hey @bryanrieger

We’re just looking into this now… but in the meantime can you try selecting the “Check for Updates…” option in the Elements menu.

Also make sure you have “Automatically Check for Updates” checked!

Yup, I keep checking for updates as shown above, and have all updates (incl. beta) checked in my settings. Nothing yet.

Okay… do you have any software monitoring (or blocking) network connections? It’s often this at play when people aren’t seeing updates…

I know it’s annoying but you can re-download Elements from the link we sent you when you purchased Elements, as it always pulls the latest build.

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