SEO Helper and a visible Sitemap for visitors

Hi all,

I am using SEO helper 2 but I need a visible sitemap for my visitors. As far as I know, SEO Helper will not create a visible map for visitors. How could that be achieved?

Thank you,

RapidWeaver has included a ‘sitemap’ page type for several years which outputs a simple unordered list of webpages. Works with most normal themes.

If you want something a bit more visual in appearance or something that will work with the blank Stacks-based themes, you could try the Hierarchy stack. This got approved by Realmac a few days ago, so you may not have seen it yet.

Depending on the shape and size of your website, Hierarchy might produce quite a good visualisation of your website structure for users to click. In the stack settings, you will want to change the configuration to RapidWeaver Navigation.


Could you simply use a Menu stack to output a list of all pages?

You could also try putting the following into an HTML stack… %navigation%

Thanks Joe

Your milage will vary with that snippet based on what theme you are using.

If you are using F6, Use the RW Menu stack and set it to be a vertical menu.

Thank you very much! Will Hierarchy @willwood be able to display pages which are not shown in the navigation bar? E. g. legal pages like legal info, which has no place in the main navigation but still needs to be listed in the sitemap?

Thanks again,


Like all of @willwood stuff, there is a free demo, and in this case, there is a project file:

I just took a quick look and the automatic is navigation pages only. You can build your own chart.

I don’t think you can get to the raw page list(left side) within stacks. %navigation% is all they have to work with.

Sitemap plus does give you the option to view pages that aren’t in the navigation. doesn’t look great with a blank theme like Foundry. No navigation.


Hey there @Fuellemann – Foundry has a simple SiteMap stack for making the user facing sitemap. Though you could honestly use just a Linked List or Vertical Navigation stack as well.


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