SFTP tests OK, but publishing fails

SFTP for this site works fine to upload images using Cyberduck. Host is dreamhost.

In RW publishing FTP works fine: the test is successful, “Browse” opens a window showing the contents of the root folder, and publishing works.

When I switch to SFTP the test is successful, but “Browse” cannot find the root folder, and publishing doesn’t work.

Here is the setup:

Here is the success message:

Here is the error message on clicking on “Browse”

Hi @rtloon

Try removing the / from the beginning of your publishing path and see if that makes a difference.


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That did the trick. Thank you! Interesting that the / works for ftp and not sftp.
And thank you for doing the Weaver Space podcast with JW. I appreciate the prework you do to identify details to explain. Your adds make a big difference.


You’re welcome. I’m really glad you enjoy the podcast with @joeworkman and I too :slight_smile:

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