Sitelok User Directory?

Is there a way to set up a user directory that links to the user’s profile page with bio and other info?

I’m imagining something like a Total CMS Card layout.

Hi Brandon. The Blab! Messaging & Profile plugin has some functions to list users with links to their profile page so its worth taking a look at that. I am wokring on a new versioh with a lot of improvements too.



I looked at the plugins page but my eyes only saw “blab messaging”.

Is it possible to link directory to a user’s profile? i.e. if a user wants to send a link to their profile to a potential client.

The plugin has two main functions.

  1. It allows logged in users to send messages to be read by other members (like public messages) or to send private messages to other users.

  2. Allows a members profile page to be created. This page is effectively the same for all users except that it displays the details for that specific user (from their custom fields etc). So for example you might have a page which disllays a profile photo and some of the custom fields from the users on that page.

I don’t have a plugin directly to handle maps but if you store a zip code or something similar in a custom field I can’t see any reason why we can’t use that as the position on a google map to display the location on the profile page for example.

If you want to try anything out before purchase just let me know. I understand its hard to get a feel for things without trying them out sometimes.

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