So, maybe try Wordpress?

Web site used Rapidweaver 5.4.1. Made a change in copy, published and got this:
photocrashapps dot com

Purchased Rapidweaver 6, opened the RW 5 project file, got this:
The document “PhotoCrash Apps” cannot be opened by RapidWeaver 6. If you wish to open and edit this document with RapidWeaver 6, you should download RapidWeaver 5 and export it as a RapidWeaver 6 project file.

However, there is no “export as” anything in RW 5.4.1. Only “export site.” So I did. And got 20 various files - rw_common, styled, index, resources, etc. No project file.

Maybe it’s a plug-in problem. I purchased many plug-ins and spent a lot to make the site in RW 5. There is no container for Rapidweaver 5. Only 6. I don’t see any of my plug-ins. I did not delete anything.

Maybe try re-downloading theme and plug-ins. But I don’t remember all of them. And most RW designers don’t send confirmation e-mails when you buy something.

So why is my site pretty much gone?

P.S. If you look at the site, the image hosting is not the problem. I put the images on another hosting site. But RW 5 would not accept the links.

Mac 10.12.5
Rapidweaver 5.4.1
Rapidweaver 6.0.3

This is definitely one for @bon or @dan

I emailed RW Support several days ago. They have not responded.

In the meantime maybe reading through this thread will help.

I noticed also that you have an index.php as well as index.html on your server. One of them has to be deleted, probably the index.html


Saw that earlier today. As I said above –
I got 20 various files - rw_common, styled, index, resources, etc. No project file.

It looks like you have to delete the index.html files from all your page folders:

For example and both exist on your server.

RW project files saved in RW 5.4.1 can be opened in RW6. You’re right, there is no export or update choice for the project file - you just use the .rwsw file that was saved in RW 5.4.1 Then when you open it in RW6, you save the file and end up with another project file with the .rw6 extension.That is the file you will use going forward it RW6.

You should also update to the last RW 6 version which is 6.4 - it’s much more stable than 6.03


Here is the KB article for upgrading. Although it mentions upgrading to RW 7, it is the same procedure to upgrade from RW 5.4.1 as far as the project file goes.

What page folders?
Library > Containers > com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6 > Container.plist/Data
Data >empty generic folders

And RE:
You’ll receive a notification that your addons are being copied, and another when your addons have been copied. Your preferences from RapidWeaver6 (including licenses for plugins such as Stacks) will automatically be copied toRapidWeaver 7.
None of that happened.

No, I’m talking about the folders on your published site.

Hang on I’ll look around about transferring the plugins.

Ok on RW5 the plugins are in ~/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver/

In RW6 they are in ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6 > Data > Library > Application Support

Probably best to reinstall them into RW6 by dragging them onto the RW6 icon in the dock and let RW6 install them. Then run the updater in RW6 and Stacks, if you’re using Stacks.

I don’t recall if the prompt to have RW move plugins to the new RW version was implemented in RW6 or if that only started with RW7.


Thanks so much, David.The site is back.

I still find RW to be extremely headache-inducing and definitely not for beginners. Official and third party documentation is sparse, incomplete and presumptive. Each small step involves at least an hour of research and problem-solving.

RW was my lifesaver when I had to create a website first time ever. Lately, I had to create one website with WP. Learning curve here is flat compared to RW/Stacks/Armadillo. My programming experience dates back 30 yrs and is limited to BASIC, HyperTalk…

Still cannot open / upgrade RW 5 project file RW 6…

NOTE: After 60 hours, Rapidweaver Support got back to me regarding this problem. Their reply – “We don’t support Rapidweaver 5” and “we are in the middle of moving to a newer and easier to use help desk system!” Then they blow me off when I need help. By the way, this is a RW 6 problem. I wrote to them again with the below info but I don’t hold out much hope. So I’m posting it here.

In order, this is everything I have done:

Purchased Rapidweaver 6. Supposed to say something like ”You’ll receive a notification that your add-ons are being copied, and another when your add-ons have been copied. Your preferences from RapidWeaver 5 (including licenses for plugins such as Stacks) will automatically be copied to RapidWeaver 6.”

None of that happened.

Moved RW5 plugins from ~/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver/ to RW6 ~/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6 > Data > Library > Application Support. Re-started laptop. (Dropping plug-ins onto RW6 icon was not possible.)

Then ran the updater in RW6. I got – “Update Error! An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later.” This has been going on for days. What exactly is “later?”

So, save the project file in 5.4.1 then tried to open it RW 6. Got this: “The document cannot be opened by RapidWeaver 6. If you wish to open and edit this document with RapidWeaver 6, you should download RapidWeaver 5 and export it as a RapidWeaver 6 project file.” Pressed “Learn How” > 404 Not Found

There is no “export as” anything in RW 5.4.1. Only “export site.” So I did. And got 17 various files - rw_common, styled, index, resources, etc. No project file. RW 6 will not open any of these; they are grayed out.

How do I open / upgrade my RW 5 project file in RW 6?

If this is the answer, I don’t know where this index file is. What do you mean by on the server?


  1. Can you open RW 6 and create a new project? (Just to be sure RW6 is okay)

  2. If you want to duplicate your rw5 project file and put it in a Dropbox or similar, I would be happy to see if I can open it in my copy of RW6. You can pm me the download link.

I opened a couple dozen rw5.41 files with 6 when I upgraded to 6 without issue.

This may at least tell us if maybe there is something in the project itself that may be causing an issue.

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Some plugins and stacks that use php code require a .php page and will automatically change your page extension to .php. You can see the page type in the page Inspector > “General Settings” in the Filename field. When you publish that page an index.php file is published, and therefore there are two index files for that page on your hosting account (server) - the previously published original index.html page and the new index.php page. You should only have one or the other. RW will not delete previously published pages on your server (host account), although RW7 will give you a warning message that you have two index pages. So you have to log in to your hosting server with an ftp app like Transmit, Fetch, Yummy ftp, Cyberduck, etc. and delete either the index.html page or the index.php page, whichever one is no longer being used in your project.

for example you have these two pages on your site: and

Look in the folder for that page on your hosting server when you log in with your FTP app and delete the page that is not desired. Be sure to check all your pages for duplicate index files, as I’ve noticed the problem on several of your pages.

RW 6.03 was a very early release and no doubt was still pretty buggy. You can download the final RW6.4 version here:

Some people have also reported having problems with the in-app updater in RW, so they always download the updates rather than have RW update them.



I just received your zip file.

I had no problem opening it in my version of RW6 (6.3.7).

It converted and opened without issue.
I received two warnings:
missing theme
missing plugin’s (meta mate and weverpix)
But other than that it opened and appears to be intact:

Now, can you successfully start and save a brand new project in RW6?


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