Hi I’m using the theme Solitude which I like, love the custom video banners, Ive followed the instructions by the author/creator but Im loading the original default green video banner before it loads mine! I have cleared formatting etc but can’t get rid of it, any ideas please.
Hi David,
can’t help you with the Solitude Theme, but for a simple webshop you might consider PaySnap by Yabdab.inc. Works fine for me. Very straightforward and not complicated to set up.
There seems something wrong with your menu. ‘Coffee News’ and ‘Shop’ are switching places.
Just an update, excellent support from Vitor Costa at Weaver Themes, this was his reply.
“When using a video background you also need to use an image, in this case you’ve changed the video, but the default image is still loading. To change that you need to add a background image and Override Site Banner”