Solved - Dateloom 3 - Remote Stack issue with Foundation

Okay, having a new issue with Yabdab’s “Remote Stack” (for embedding the Dateloom into a Stacks page)
Had it running fine on a page. I updated a different page a few days ago, and now the stack is appearing under the footer, instead of where it is supposed to be - in the right hand column under “signup here” I have had to resort to a workaround on the “live page”, but setup a 2nd “test” page here .
I reached out to Yabdab, and they say it is an issue with Foundation. I posted the issue on the “Weavers Space” but received no replies. If anybody has some ideas as to why the “remote stack” is suddenly appearing below the footer…


Just an update - Team Workman tracked down the issue. Turned out it was a conflict with the “Page Speed” part of the “SEO Helper” stack in Foundation (which adds “Cloudflare Rocketloader Support”) Turned that off on this page, and voila, all is good again.

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