Merry Christmas
I am having a little issue, I have deleted a stack but it continues to appear in the site.
I have cleared the cache, restarted RW and it continues to appear in RW Preview, cmd P and also when actually published…even though the stack has been deleted on my RW site and doesn’t not appear in edit mode.
Any thoughts please…?? Very frustrating and worrying too.
The culprit stacks are Snow with a Text stack the other is Notice with Countdown Clock and a Text stack.
How do I now remove from my site when these stacks don’t appear in edit mode?
Have you checked your site on server for duplicated pages (for example, one with .html and one with .php extensions)? Perhaps one of them contains addon that you’ve deleted and it still displays? If this situation is true, you will have to manually delete the offending version. If you’re not sure which one is the wrong one, delete everything that RW published so far. Next, go to RW and re-publish all pages.
To check your server and/or to delete anything, you will need a FTP application, like Yummy, CyberDuck, Transmit, etc.
You said it’s happening within RW preview and preview in a browser, so if that’s true, i doubt it’s a duplicate page issue. You can quickly check with an FTP client, or your hosting account should have a file manager of some kind.
Since it’s happening within RW as well, I would guess the stacks are still on the page, perhaps hidden or in a partial.
did you check the dates and times on “snow” and “notice” maybe you have a date in january 2018 and the stack thinks it’s got to keep working up to that point…