Stack to embed PDF

Using the free Embed stack from Will Woodgate. Which settings specifically do I need to do a screen shot to show you where I am? Thanks.


The page link above Straka Article | Alan Lacer Woodturning, doesn’t show the first page of any PDF file. It has two image stacks with png files that are images of the PDF.

You then have two embed stacks (Stacks4Stacks) that have the iFrame URL set to , that’s the default that is delivered with the stack.

So this is how you need to use the embed stack:

  1. Drag a copy of the embed stack on to the page
  2. Put the PDF into resources
  3. In the resource tray Right-click the PDF and Select Copy URL2021-03-07_10-27-45
  4. Open the Embed stack inspector:
    a. Make sure the Content type is set to iFrame (default)
    b. Paste the copied URL into the iFrame URL field2021-03-07_10-31-51

Thanks so much. Generally it is working. However, at times it still does only first page of an article. I have opened the pdf’s on my desktop, re-inserted as a Resource, taken the same steps as you have suggested, but still only the first page about half the time.

Without seeing the PDF or a link to a URL that contains the embed, it’s hard to say what might cause this.

The Free embed stack simply uses the browsers PDF controls in an iFrame. IFrames aren’t a great way to go. They can be temperamental at scrolling, especially on touch devices.

I don’t have @joeworkman PDF embed so I can’t tell you how it works or if it may be a better option.

Of course, embedding Pdf files isn’t required like it once was. A simple link to a PDF file with all modern browsers will open the PDF up. You won’t have navigation on the page, but that gives the end user a few more options.

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This was in Tidbits, not RW related but does describe a problem with iframe , just mentioning it as some unexplained conflicts can exist? … :wink: