Stacks are gone

I upgraded to the newish stacks and now all and I mean all my stacks are gone. Tell me not to panic. Where have they gone? I use 9.2.1.

just need to fine your add ons folder from before an point to it. FYI I keep them in my Dropbox account. you can use the preferences in rapid weaver to navigate to the old folder.

Thanks for the tip but tell me once I navigate there what is the next step?

I can find my add ons folder from now but that is the problem. Where do I find my add ons folder from before?

Hi @Hanko,

We’ve gotten reports quite a few times now of users experiencing this issue (disappearing stacks) when updating to the latest Stacks version.

The solution has been to check your trash bin on your Mac, because for some reason in some cases the update trashes all of your stacks.

So, first thing is to check your trash bin to see if they are there. If not, or if you have inadvertently emptied your trash, do you have Time Machine backups (or any other backup solution) enabled? Because you could always restore the addons folder from a backup.

Let us know what you find out.

There is a folder in my Trash that says Stacks (1) and they seem to all be in that folder. How do I now put them back into RW.

Okay I got all my stacks back and have placed them in the stacks folder and all is well - except the fonts from Google Fonts I put into Paragraph Pro are gone. I have a feeling those fonts will have to be reloaded which is going to be a pain as there are 4 websites I built that use Google fonts in Paragraph Pro. Thanks to those that tipped me off on recovering my Stacks folder from the trash.

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Awesome, glad to hear you found them in the trash bin and were able to restore them.

Not sure if you can recover those Google fonts in Paragraph Pro, but good luck getting all of them added back in.

Let us know if you encounter any other problems.

Wow I learn something everyday I am backing up my addon folder as we speak

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It looks to me that having all your stacks ending up in trash when upgrading is a serious bug. Is anyone making an attempt to fix it? Inquiring minds would like to know.

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You’d have to ask Yourhead support, it’s an issue/bug when updating Stacks.

We have an FAQ here on how you can contact Yourhead support.

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