Stacks4Stacks and ThemeFlood have closed

All Good Things Must Come to an End


Yes this is sad. I saw this a few days ago. I wish only the best to Will Woodgate! He is a good guy with great talent. Wherever he lands he will flourish.

As a developer he mentions several things. None of which are a surprise if you have been tuned in and others have mentioned. There are obvious concerns about both platforms. Since this is posted in the Realmac Forums and since the Realmac Tram is actively engaged with us I will share just one thing more.

Read his open letter and fix it.


Will is a great person, not just a great developer with hundreds of addons
I’m very sorry about that.


Will didn’t stop and started developing a new CMS called Verdant, he also ensured support for existing products in RW.


Very sad indeed. Will is developer and top guy. His products and support and have been exemplary. Let’s hope Stacks Pro gets to where it needs to be and we get him back.

It’s very typical of him that he continues to offer support!

Good news is that Joe Workman did a live build yesterday on his YouTube channel - all done on Stacks Pro. I understand Isaiah is on target to deliver a public beta product before April when Joe hosts his annual conference.