Stellar Stacks is here!

It is with great excitement that we are announcing the appearance of Stellar Stacks on the Rapidweaver stack development scene!

We here at Stellar Stacks are huge fans of the Stacks plugin for RapidWeaver and are very excited to present our initial range of stacks Addons, which we hope you will like.

We designed these stacks for novice to intermediate users in mind and with an emphasis on producing good looking results with minimal fuss and complexity.

Our stacks are offered at prices comparable to a cup of coffee as we genuinely want to provide you with the best possible value for money.

Going forward we do plan to offer as many free stacks as possible and would be delighted to hear any suggestions or ideas for things you might like us to make. Let us know what you think.

We have big things planned for the future including

  • More stacks (of course!), many of which will be free or offered on a ‘pay-what-you-like’ basis.
  • Themes. Our first theme is in the works - check back soon for more news! We plan on offering some free themes too.
  • Lots of useful tips, tricks and snippets for how to get the most out of RapidWeaver.
  • Tutorials on how to integrate popular third party code into RapidWeaver projects.

Mosey on over to if you’d like to learn more about Stellar Stacks and our products. We will also be an active presence on the forum, so feel free to chat to us if you have any questions about Stellar Stacks.

We look forward to engaging with you.

  • The Stellar Stacks Team


Welcome, Team Stellar! It’s great to see new developers emerge from the community and shows how vital and vibrant the community is.

Best of luck!


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Hello @anon75570550 and thank you for the warm welcome! We look forward to being a part of the developer community and engaging with fellow developers as well as users on the forum.

  • The Stellar Stacks team


It might be me and a lack of coffee, but I can’t find examples of the stacks in action on your website. I clicked for More Info, I clicked the image… What am I missing

Hi @dudeneyge,

Thanks for pointing that out.

The individual stacks are listed under the Stacks navigation bar with each stack page showing examples of its use, a screenshot of the Stacks HUD and any additional comments the user should be aware of.

If you mean an on-page implementation of each stack, that’s a great idea and we’ll get right on it.

Thank you for engaging with us.

  • The Stellar Stacks Team

I just wanted to buy your Anywhere stack, but after adding it to the cart I can neither select a country in the “Address” tab of your store, nor can I choose a payment method in the “Payment” tab. Also I think it would “encourage” people to click on an “Add to cart” button on your store page if they would see how much a stack will cost before clicking on “Add to cart”. Ah, I just realized that I see the price when I first click on a product in the store and then add it to the cart. Hm, but since there’s also the direct way of adding a product to the cart in the store main page I would still like to see the price tag of each stack there…

Hi @Rapidbase,

I apologise for the frustration you experienced and thank you for the suggestions you made, it makes sense to show the price tag as you suggest.

Were you able to complete the purchase? If you are still experiencing any difficulties, please email and we can walk you through it.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  • The Stellar Stacks Team

No, purchasing still doesn’t work. See here:

Thanks for the screenshot @Rapidbase, we’ll DM you shortly.

  • The Stellar Stacks Team

Thanks, everything’s fine now. :slight_smile: Great customer service!

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Thanks for the feedback, @Rapidbase. If our customers are happy, we are happy! :smile:

Welcome to the community! You’ll find the community behind RapidWeaver is an exciting and enlightening place!

I wish you the best.

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Hi @Aaron,

Thank you for the kind welcome! We look forward to being a part of the vibrant Rapidweaver community.

  • The Stellar Stacks Team

Welcome! Was looking at your countdown stack, is it possible to set the styling to the background and digit background to none? I want to place over an image and the countdown “style/look” does not match well with the image. Thanks!

Welcome aboard and thanks for supporting the RapidWeaver Community. Do let m know if you need anything :smile:

Psst. Make sure you sign-up and add your stacks to the community site :wink:

Hi @rolisize,

Thanks for the welcome!

Do you mean you’d like to make the background and digit backdrop transparent? At the moment the stack does not allow for transparent background but it’s a great idea. We’ll look into it and let you know.

  • The Stellar Stack team

Hi @Dan

Thank you for the warm welcome! We are really excited to be a part of the Rapidweaver family.

Thanks for the heads-up, we’ll definitely do that.

  • The Stellar Stack team

Yes, transparent, it would be great if that option would become available. I can probably do a snippet in the meantime :smile:

We’ll get on it. Good idea, if you’re comfortable playing around with CSS that would be your best bet for now.

  • The Stellar Stack team

Hi Stellar!

I’d say welcome, but I know that you’ve been working on this for months. So I’ll just say congrats on the launch.
