I’m using RWC 9.2.1, Foundry 2, Stacks 5, SEO Helper, REO-RX, and Big White Duck Header & Paragraph Pro. MacBook Air with Monterey 12.7.2.
I get a strange message “randomly” when I go to save my project file:
This document’s file has been changed by another application since you opened or saved it.
I removed the RWUIState.plist file the other day trying to fix the above. I then saw that there was an Archive file of the same project, which was also deleted. I never opened the “archive version” to work on the project.
Any idea why this is happening or how to fix this ?
On another note, Google Chrome reports that my main resource has a “no-store, no-cache, must revalidate” error in the console which prevents bfcache. I’ve gone through my pages, htaccess files, cache policy, etc. and can not find the “no-store, no-cache, must revalidate” directives.
Hosted with Chillidog and using NGINX.
Any idea when I should loo further on the cache issue ?
Thanks, it’s still weird that it mentions “another application” has made changes. I’m not a computer guru so it makes me wonder what/who is also working on my machine.
Yes, I do save the project a lot as RWC seems to crash way to often.
Just to let you know I also see this message at times. Like @Heroic_Nonsense I ignore and continue on. But it is annoying/worrying when I see it. It may just be a harmless bug (I have no idea) but I’ve just carried on with no negative consequences so far. Nonetheless it definitely should not be happening.
I’ll try to keep a lookout for this in the future. There’s no pattern in my experience when this message pops up. That said, almost certainly I have the following apps open:
Nothing in particular really - I’ve the project file opened in RapidWeaver, and perhaps a few other applications open at the same time (but none of those apps are involved with the RW project file in anyway though).
Usually Pixelmator or Photoshop 2024, BBEdit, Safari and Chrome. I tend to have mail and Whatsapp for Desktop open, and usually Music too. Occasionally Firefox.
I tend to save lots when working in RapidWeaver, by pressing CMD+S. Occasionally the message pops up when I save the project a lot in a short time.
I’ve not noticed a pattern other than that as of yet - but I’ll keep an eye open for that.
While I’m working on different pages, I tend to save after 2-3 edits. I should save after each edit, but I forget. The reason I save a lot is RWC tends to crash, which makes it harder for me to remember exactly what I had edited.
Usually the only open apps are: Firefox, Notes occasionally, Finder & Preview. My MacBook Air is 2017 minimal storage at like 150 GB. Just enough to run the Rapidweaver app for website work.
I use my PC for work related things like Outlook mail, Excel, and Word. It’s a mental thing escaping the PC world.
If you see this dialog you can just press “save”. It’s nothing to worry about.
I believe it happens when you save the document multiple times in succession and RapidWeaver/macOS hasn’t finished writing the last save to disk. You’re more likely to see it on large projects and slower machines.
My current project is 38 Mb (not large it seems to me), plus my handy M2 Macbook 15 seems plenty fast for this kind of work. But still … this could be the case. I’ll pay closer attention in the future … but the issue itself has never created any problems other than a bit of confusion.