Stripped PlusKit - is this normal?

I’ve been wondering… In the manual Pluskit has three tabs in the edit view, and as an older Pluskit user I remember it once really had. But now I have only one, “Styled Text Plus”. Is this normal? Please see the screen shot below. Has Pluskit been stripped of other features? Also I’m puzzled where is the promised search the project field? Thanks for any enlightenment!

I remember there was a backup feature, but that was removed some time ago

Yes, the backup feature was deprecated. The manual shows a tab “Insert-on-page”, this is missing too. On the new Pluskit 3 page the “Search Your Site” is advertised but I can’t see it anywhere. I also wonder what the “Markdown Anywhere” is about.


Search your site is in the menu item Edit -> FindPlus (Shift+CMD+F)

When Enable StylePlus is checked you can use tags in different areas, such as markdown… Markdown Anywhere refers to the ability to add markdown tags to a page or area as such, I do believe… newbie to this software so take with pinch of salt.

<markdown> *Hello from Markdown* </markdown>

And yes, your screenshot is correct in your OP. Want to see more options, check the other boxes :wink:

Please remember that this is a new stack to @isaiah and he is working his way with it for documentation development, I am sure all features will be documented as soon as he is able on his FAQ page of his site.


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Aha, hidden in the Edit menu! FindPlus is even available in projects that have no PlusKit page, excellent. Thank you @Turtle. And indeed markdown works between those tags.

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“Also I’m puzzled where is the promised search the project field”

PlusKit integrates this into the RapidWeaver menu. Select:
Edit > Find Plus
or Cmd-Shift-F

I redesigned the UI for this window in the latest version too. :slight_smile:

“In the manual Pluskit has three tabs in the edit view, and as an older Pluskit user I remember it once really had.”

In the long distant past (5+ years ago) PlusKit had two additional significant features: Replace-Content and Backup.

Both were removed quite some time ago – I think Backup was removed last, in 2011. I’ve archived the the complete change list here:

If you look hard, and have old OS X and RW capable of testing these old versions (I do! yeah!) you can dig up a bit of the past and see these.

While taking over the LogHound plugin suite we’ve been trying to clean-up marketing info and documentation as there are still some mentions and screenshots of these long-gone features. It will probably take us quite a while to work all the way through it.

If you spot an error, commission, or accidental inclusion of these old features please send an email to c/o Christi – she does the tech-support and user-manuals. thx

Minor note: If you are using PlusKit prior to 3, and the RW7 private beta then the Find Plus menu was missing. This was a bug corrected in the v3 release. :thumbsup:

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Thank you for all these clarifications. I feel very relieved that PlusKit is in good hands and totally understand that updating everything, including the manual, takes time. The manual I’m referring to was found behind the little blue question mark in the bottom left corner of the PlusKit page edit view.

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@ikemitsu -

Looking at that content my guess is that it’s been out-of-whack for at least 5 years and through several major releases.

I took over this plugin 4 weeks ago.


Small steps for now, but we’ll get there. :mans_shoe::mans_shoe:

I usually like to wait until things are perfect, but realistically that will take months. There are some pressing issues that just couldn’t wait: RW7 compatibility, support system, and registration system are top-priorities.

We need to get a few releases of these LogHound plugins done right away. When we’ve put out a few fires we’ll get back to work at making improvements. :fire::fire_engine::hammer:


That’s great, Isaiah! It would be awesome, if the backup and replace-content features found their way back into PlusKit!

@rovertek - I think I can answer one of those right now: TimeMachine is a vastly superior backup mechanism. Use it. Really. And let PlusKit backup remain dead. There’s simply no need for it.

Time machine is free, easy to use, and very reliable – it saves my butt about once a week on average. :stuck_out_tongue:

Content replacement is an interesting one, tho. I think it was a good feature, in general. And much more in line with the core PlusKit use case. Perhaps someday we can find a way to give that idea some new life.


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Yeah, you’re right about the backup. I use TimeMachine (of course), but having an additional ability to use specialized backup for RW projects in a cloud would certainly be a nice bonus.

Search-and-replace function of BBEdit (or even simpler one), for example, would probably make more sense, though…

Can’t wait to see what you will do to modernize and improve LogHound’s legacy.

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