The button is working only outside the 1 column stack

Hello everybody,

I am using RW8 with Foundation.

As you can see from this page the white button inside the green banner in the middle of the page is not working… not even on hover.

These are my setting inside Edit mode: everything looks fine…

Any help would be super appreciated. Cheers :slight_smile:

P.S.: if I take it out the Impact stack it would work fine

The button (and the text) are behind your impact foreground content and so cannot be clicked. The foreground content layer covers the whole of the Impact slide content.

I’m not quite sure why you have used an impact slide show when you only have one slide?

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Thank you Andrew! I’ll work on this tomorrow. I’m using the Impact stack because I copied it and pasted it from a project demo file of Joe’s Seams stack. As you can see that was easier for me, in order to display all the Seams on there. I can try and do it with a simple 1 column foundation stack :+1:. It should be fairly easy.

Thanks a lot :smiley:

Hi Andrew,

For me it would be much easier to keep the Impact like this, as those Seams are not easy to set for me and the sizing (padding and height and width) is nice and responsive.

Do you think we can put some custom CSS for the button to work on top of the green overlay (with the impact)?

The seams will work in any other parent stack that adds a background image - they are just positioned top and bottom relative to their parent but if you really want the slideshow with no slides then the following will make the foreground content transparent to mouse clicks:


I just can’t help but think that it would be better to put the seams behind the clickable elements in the first place and do away with a ton of unused slideshow code but there you go.

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Hi Tav,

Thank you so much.

The seams don’t look to show correctly with the 1 column foundation stack. It’ s a learning curve for me with this stack especially. :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the code: it’s not working when I publish, but probably would work if I press “Publish All”, but I haven’t tried that as what you say make sense!.

Yes, I agree with you and I will take this into consideration. For the moment I removed the button altogether.

Thanks for your prompt assistance. I really appreciate it!

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