Turn-Around time on Support?

Good morning, all – I was wondering if anyone knows what the typical response support time is? It’s been a couple of days with not a peep in reply to my starter email to the support email address on the website, and while that’s not the end of the world, I am kind of concerned they’re not even receiving it.

Is that a typical turn-around, or should I be nagging? :smiley:

To start, I would always start here in the forums first, generally it’s faster. However don’t share personal information. If you need more than what we can offer here, then use the tagging, ie. @dang or @dan

With that, can we help you?

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Thanks! It really is a direct support question, though. I’m trying to retrieve a license, and the automated process is returning an error. :slight_smile:

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Hold on, I’m looking into this now for you…

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Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

Dropped you a reply with your license number, so sorry for the delay!

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Hi @Naomi,

Looks like your email came in on Aug. 5th at 8:39PM UK Time, and it got inadvertently caught in our Spam filter and went to the Spam folder. Since it was caught up in the Spam folder, your follow-up email from today (Aug. 7th at 11:53AM UK Time) also got routed there.

Indeed, we weren’t.

Sorry for any troubles, we’ve added your email address to the white-list so that you won’t get caught up in the Spam filter any longer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Absolutely, if you don’t receive a reply to a support email within 24 business hours, please ping us on the forum so we can check into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for your patience and understanding. :pray:


Mystery solved – thanks, @dang !

I’ll keep the forums in mind as backup, though it sounds like I won’t need it again. It’s not a hardship – from what I’ve seen, there’s a great group here. :grin:


Indeed there are, everybody is happy to help. :slightly_smiling_face: