I have just had to remove the twitter feed on my social media page as it simply left a big gap.
However if you look at http://csmltd.com/ you will note in the right hand side panel that the twitter button is replaced by a link that reads “Follow @CSMLtd”
In Preview the blue twitter button appears but not so once published.
Twitter, Facebook etc continually change the method/code required to link to their content and thus the stacks that use the (now) deprecated code stop working.
I’d put money on this being your problem.
They want eyes on THEIR site where they have adverts, they earn nothing from their content being viewed on other sites.
I fully understand your comments but it seems odd that Twitter themselves actively promote via their own developer site the ability to embed their feeds onto third party websites.
It seems further strange that within RW Preview all works as expected but then seemingly falls down once published.
This is very curious given that I dont have any ad blockers in use - I have tried Chrome - Firefox and Opera at my end and all I get is the link unlike what should appear and what Rob can see.
Not really sure what to do other than use either logo images or FA icons for the “Follow” buttons and probably abort the idea of a workable twitter feed unless other ideas are available ??
That doesn’t look right but as - bad - luck would have it, my office is having Internet connection issues at the moment.
The FB feed didn’t load at first but a Ctrl+reload brought it back. But there’s no Pinterest that I can see (I imagine that’s what’s in the empty box) and the Twitter feed is as you described before.
I’ve just looked at the numerous blue “Follow me on Twitter” buttons I have on my own site and they are all working - both on iOS and on Safari on my desktop in OS High Sierra.
Thanks for your feedback also - this issue gets stranger as we move along !!
I’m using all the latest browsers - no ad blockers - so scratching my head.
I am wondering if there is a geo issue as I am based in SE Asia - im hoping to fire up an old windows laptop to test via that also and maybe test using a van to see if I can uncover anything further.